Movie Review
Aqua Teen Hunger Force Movie Film for Theatres
Aqua Teen poster
By Lee Tistaert     Published May 6, 2007
US Release: April 13, 2007

Directed by: Matt Maiellaro Dave Willis
Starring: Dana Snyder , Carey Means

R sexual humor, violent images and language
Running Time: 86 minutes
Domestic Box Office: $5,518,918
Aqua Teen is very random and crude, and takes pride in that attitude. [The} easily offended will not likely be fans, but that's also one of its graces; it just doesn't care.
The R rating on the big-screen version of Aqua Teen Hunger Force was the only thing that lured me into seeing this movie. The TV series on Cartoon Network, which has always drawn love it or hate it reactions, is just too silly for me. The series, which revels in poor animation, has to play itself down for television viewing safety. This R-rated movie version of the show plays a little like South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut ? the animation is terrible, and yet that quickly becomes one of its charms. And with an R-rating, the makers are able to get offensive with the subject matter. Like Beavis and Butthead Do America, hardcore fans of the show will likely remain true, and some cynics might be surprised at the intelligence behind it; others will indeed just roll their eyes.

The movie's title rips heavily from Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan. The makers of Aqua Teen Hunger Force added on "Colon Movie Film for Theaters," as if to compete for longest title; but the movie is funny enough to excuse that. Aqua Teen is very random and very crude, and takes full pride in that attitude. Those who are easily offended will not likely be fans, but that's also one of its graces; it just doesn't care at all.

Aqua Teen isn?t as funny or as original as the South Park or Beavis and Butthead movies, but it at least takes a chance in that direction of foul-mouthed comedy (though Beavis was PG-13). There are some really funny stretches, but it's not consistent. I grew a little restless, but the movie delivers edgier jokes than most comedies. Crude comedy requires really sharp talents to consistently poke fun at the right things, and creators Matt Maiellaro and Dave Willis do an admirable job. The movie will probably reach most of its audience on DVD ? most people would feel insane for paying top dollar for this, and that's part of the joke. But some will find out that it's funnier than it looks.
Lee's Grade: B-
Lee's Overall Grading: 3025 graded movies
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