2005 Quick Movie Preview
By Staff of LMI     Published January 3, 2005
In 2004, Along Came Polly opened strong, Torque didn't start, Perfect Score failed and You Got Served got #1

Lee: It seems Sony is trying for a Forgotten with White Noise.

Jason: That's not going to happen. Try Mothman Prophecies.

Lee: I could easily see it coming in at $7 million.

Jason: That's exactly what I have.  I can't see more than $12 million.

Lee: Mothman had star power, and a clearer premise.

Jason: Did you see Mothman, there wasn't much of anything that was clear in
that movie. There was another movie about a dead wife trying to communicate from the dead, something with insects and rainbows?Dragonfly

Lee: Haven't seen it.

Jason: Here's the synopsis: A grieving doctor is being contacted by his late
wife through his patients? near death experiences.

Lee: Is that White Noise or Dragonfly?

Jason: Dragonfly. See, same plot. $10.2 million open in Feb 2002, and $11.2
for Mothman.

Lee: And this doesn't have Costner's star power. Keaton hasn't opened a movie in a long time.

Jason: So I might have to up my prediction for White Noise. There's a lot of
people who really buy into the talking with the dead genre.

Lee: The comparison that comes to mind is Multiplicity. True. I?m still skeptical.

Jason: I think the big question for January is can Elektra open strong even though Daredevil had horrible legs and poor reviews. I remember Fox tried to blame the second week decline on the weather.

Lee: I think Elektra's either going to pull a Catwoman or a Hellboy.

Jason: Jennifer Garner is the only thing the movie has going for it. I think
she can definitely save it from being a Catwoman, but she didn't really show
much box office draw with 13 Going on 30.

Lee: But that was also aimed at young girls. I think this is going to get
more of the twenty something crowds who love this stuff. Brainless action is
sometimes easier to sell than a coming of age cute comedy.

Jason: So you might expect a $20 - 25 million open?

Lee: I'm at like $17 - 22. I don't think the word will be as bad as Catwoman, but I could see the debut being similar.

As much as I want to see Coach Carter bomb, it has a pretty good chance of cracking $20 if not getting very close. But it also depends on theater count.

Jason: $20 million for Coach Carter?

Lee: High $10's or $20ish.

Jason: That's going to be tough if Elektra does well also. I can't see two $20 million opens in January. I was thinking Drumline-like numbers.

Lee: The advertising has been going on since early Oct, which has got to mean something. Racing Stripes will be lucky to get over $9 million.

Jason: Well it looks like the only new kids movie in January.

Lee: Looks like an Emperor's New Groove, without the legs it had.

Jason: And why do they put Snoop Dogg in a kids movie?

Lee: Crowds have giggled at his name.

Jason: I guess that's worth it then, but I find it ridiculous.

Lee: Assault on Precinct 13 looks like a reincarnation of Half Past Dead.

Jason: I think they were trying to go for Training Day.

Lee: I don't think it's going to work.  Ethan Hawk's not exactly a draw yet. More people were at Training Day for Denzel.

Jason: But the action scenes look impressive. I just don't know why they want to open on Wednesday. Martin Luther King day is the 17th, so opening on the 19th doesn't do any good. Anyhow, looks like a decent amount of action will give it a good opening weekend.

Lee: When I watch the trailer for Hide and Seek, Dakota Fanning reminds me of what's her face in Don't Say a Word's trailer...Brittany Murphy.

Jason: Yeah, it's a surprise to see her in such a dark role.

Lee: It's like they're going for such a creepy effect and for me it just doesn't work.

Jason: That whole weekend is horror/thriller, so audiences won't have much of
a choice for new releases.

Lee: Easy comparison could be City by the Sea or Godsend at the worst.

Next Page: Will any releases compensate for February 2005's Passion void?
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