Pre and Post Oscar Chat
Million Dollar Baby poster
By Staff of LMI     Published March 1, 2005
The two big splits seemed to be Picture and Director.
Oscar Pre-Show Chat

Jason: The two big splits seemed to be Best Picture and Best Director. I went with Eastwood. With Scorcese I think people are putting too much weight on the "he deserves it for past movies? theory. But I was reading on HSX that the Wall Street journal had it 80% certainty that The Aviator would win Best Picture. I think it was only a slight edge for Director.

Scott: It?s the kind of thing the Academy loves: 3-hour films.

Lee: I've been getting the feeling Million Dollar Baby might take Picture and Scorcese Director.

Scott: That's what I think.

Guest: I think the opposite.

Lee: I'd be happy as long as Scorcese gets Director.

Guest: Scorcese has a pretty good chance, yeah.

Scott: Scorcese will most likely get Director since he has many legacy points.

Lee: But I think it's so much in the air.

Jason: Jamie Foxx seems certain. Hilary Swank close to it.

Guest: Who do you think is going to win for Best Make-Up?

Jason: I was thinking The Passion.

Lee: Foxx seems to be the man of the year, so it?s going to be hard for him not to win. But if there is an upset, I?d love to see Don Cheadle win.

Guest: I think Hilary Swank will lose. Foxx is a shoe-in.

Jason: What was the biggest surprise last year? I don't remember anything shocking.

Guest: I think The Triplets of Belleville should?ve won for Animated Feature instead of Finding Nemo.

Jason: The thing with animation is that anyone can vote. So the biggest blockbuster has a huge advantage.

Scott: It's a pretty terrible field this year.

Guest: What do you think will win Best Animated Feature? I?m thinking The Incredibles.

Jason: Yeah.

Guest: I?m surprised The Polar Express wasn?t nominated.

Jason: That's a good point. I didn't even think about that. Polar Express was better than Shark Tale. Did any of you see Polar Express in IMAX 3-D?

Guest: Yes, I thought it was amazing. It was so fun.

Jason: It really was. I didn't like the story, but I hadn't seen anything like it.

Guest: Yeah, it was different, but in a good way.

Lee: I thought it had no story, but it was unique.

Guest: Unique: good word, I agree.

Jason: This might be a bad comparison, but it was sort of like The Matrix Revolutions eye candy for kids. It didn't make much sense, but was really fun to watch.

Lee: I was kind of bored during Polar Express, but I have to admit I couldn't really compare it with anything else.

Guest: You were bored?

Lee: There was barely a story. It was just the random chronicles of a train ride.

Guest: It was like mindless entertainment in a way.

Jason: Look at the book, though ? it?s hard to make a feature film from it.

Lee: To me it just felt like a video game where you go from one level to the next, without any emotional attachment.

Jason: Any idea about Best Documentary?

Guest: Super Size Me, definitely ? I loved it. It was very entertaining and intriguing.

Guest 2: I loved Super Size Me, but didn?t see any others.

Jason: I saw born into brothels, I would think that has an edge. But Super Size Me has more buzz. Will Spider-Man sweep the technical nominations?

Guest: Yeah, no doubt.

Jason: I wasn't quite sure, but that's what I went with.

Guest: Spider-Man 2 was a groundbreaking movie.

Jason: $200 million buys a lot. The Passion wins all its nominations as well?

Guest: No way.

Jason: I'm a big fan of the soundtrack, but Harry Potter has a strong score as well.

Lee: What do you think the chances of Charlie Kaufman getting robbed?

Jason: Slim. What would win instead of Eternal Sunshine?

Guest: I?m betting on Neverland in that category.

Lee: I was watching the Independent Film Awards on Bravo on Saturday night and Sideways was ruling there - there's no question it's getting Adaptation.

Jason: What about foreign Film?

Lee: The Sea Inside.

Jason: That's what I went with. I have a feeling Downfall might win, though.

Guest: You should check out Sea Inside ? great story and acting.

Jason: My predictions had Aviator only winning 3.

Guest: I had 4 for The Aviator.

Scott: I just read that Bill Murray has neither a publicist nor an agent.

Jason: I'm going to watch the Oscars. See you after the show.
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