Weekend Box Office
  < Thu, Feb. 7
<< Feb. 1 - 3
February 8 - 10, 2008 Sat, Feb. 9 >  
Feb. 15 - 17 >>
- T-Rex1,38632%11,38650.748
Bolded grosses are in millions; unbolded grosses are in actual dollars (2.104 = $2,104,000)
- Galapagos5,752-1%15,75214.989
- Business of Being Born59733-53%159757,676
- Yiddish Theater35082-63%217528,351
- The Violin2,9376828%21,46936,337
- Wild Safari 3D3,264251%31,08815.537
- Beaufort5,9562430%31,98536,503
- Billy the Kid5,0136831,67148,431
- The Mist1,93682-41%448425.420
- Blade Runner8,306-14%51,6611.336
- Space Station12,90779%52,58164.053
- Magnificent Desolation28,92087123%55,78422.278
- The Band's Visit67,4923NEW79,64267,492
- Jimmy Carter...3,54311537%84430.106
- Nanking6,8616197620.135
- In the Valley of Elah4,64915095176.776
- Roving Mars16,06174515%91,7858.219
- War/Dance5,70094963385,512
- Darjeeling Limited6,332135-63%1063311.875
- Youth Without Youth8,2905974%108290.223
- Passage to Zarahemla7,6691196%107670.278
- Deep Sea 3D44,16471029%104,41634.119
- Teeth27,47524-32%132,1130.229
- Taxi to the Dark Side28,08131142,00662,559
- Caramel77,737108%184,3190.180
- Starting Out in Evening34,73980371%191,8280.661
- Bella8,6551081%194567.744
- Honeydripper33,90345191,7840.124
- 4 Months, 3 Weeks...0.126176%215,9970.373
- Lars and the Real Girl7,314122-8%213485.887
- Before Devil Knows...21,803108258727.034
- Hitman10,32482-49%2639739.673
- In Bruges0.4573NEW2816,3300.457
- Fred Claus13,28094-80%3340272.001
- Dan in Real Life16,753108-44%3547947.637
- Sea Monsters 3D0.162129-2%453,6037.714
- Cassandra's Dream41,37524-58%459190.952
- I'm Not There49,43382-29%509893.814
- U2 3D0.738193%6112,0943.008
- Into the Wild54,608143-21%6485318.072
- Mr. Magorium's...45,83287-31%9050931.979
- The Orphanage0.17145-35%981,7436.736
- Awake64,25673>99911058414.296
- Hottie and the Nottie27,6963NEW11623927,696
- One Missed Call77,77338-61%12263726.555
- Persepolis0.3804811%1253,0422.322
- AVP 275,92648-4%13655841.669
- The Game Plan98,649136-23%14966290.548
- The Great Debaters0.13848-46%15688829.782
- The Savages0.37375-7%1732,1585.272
- The Kite Runner0.25959-22%1741,48814.824
- August Rush91,56382-36%17951231.530
- Bee Movie0.140101-7%206678126.597
- Diving Bell...0.43373-2%2132,0344.334
- Enchanted0.28082-19%2261,237125.770
- The Golden Compass0.25066-9%25199769.599
- Sweeney Todd0.27552-48%31687152.015
- Charlie Wilson's War0.35952-26%3181,13065.979
- The Water Horse0.28348-31%32487240.413
- I Am Legend0.58959-42%4351,355254.161
- How She Move0.37017-75%4697896.822
- P.S., I Love You0.3505220%50569352.967
- First Sunday0.54731-63%55398937.503
- Pirates...Veggietales0.40031-36%57969011.743
- Hannah Montana 3D10.29610-67%68714,98753.178
- Michael Clayton1.495129-14%7571,97546.181
- Mad Money0.65624-67%91271919.803
- Wild West Comedy0.4643NEW9624830.464
- Atonement2.07866-29%11901,74645.209
- No Country for Old Men2.215941%12021,84358.264
- Strange Wilderness1.48610-50%12111,2275.557
- National Treasure 22.15052-27%12561,712212.752
- Alvin & the Chipmunks1.82359-35%14651,244209.928
- There Will Be Blood3.97847-15%16202,45626.688
- Over Her Dead Body1.74510-57%19778826.770
- Cloverfield2.75624-43%20301,35876.041
- Untraceable3.47517-32%21431,62224.321
- Juno5.60168-20%23212,413117.506
- Roscoe Jenkins16.2083NEW23876,79016.208
- Meet the Spartans4.11117-44%24461,68133.951
- The Eye6.52810-47%24702,64321.419
- Rambo4.48217-37%27171,65036.876
- The Bucket List5.27748-22%27531,91774.995
- 27 Dresses5.41024-37%28411,90465.078
- Fool's Gold21.5893NEW31256,90921.589